I'm a little late in putting this post up. I've been focused on work with several clients. Given that we're still in the midst of winter (although it's been unseasonably warm lately), these three tips for winter styling your home post-holiday decorations should still be helpful.
What is winter styling?
Basically, it is a style that embodies the cozy feeling we all crave during the colder, dark winter months. It's about ambiance, texture, lighting, and comfort.
Here are three easy and quick tips for winter styling:
1. Texture and layers are what contribute to that cozy feeling we crave in the dark days of winter. Whether it's a blanket on the sofa or chair to curl up with or a fluffy throw pillow, accessories can help add texture without being tied to the holidays. A fluffy pillow or chunky throw? A bowl of moss balls? Even that stack of books you received for the holidays can be placed on a side table next to a small plant to add interest. Light your fireplace for additional ambiance!
2. Greenery can add interest and texture to a room without screaming Christmas. (That's why green plants liven up a room.) Green wreaths, particularly live ones, can stay out for a while. A grapevine or white berry wreath are great transition pieces for winter styling. Pinecones are an effortless way to add texture! Place them in a bowl and display on a coffee table.
By the way, it's a good time to start thinking about forcing bulbs for spring styling. Here's how: https://www.gardeners.com/how-to/growing-bulbs-indoors/5158.html
3. Lighting can add warmth, intimacy, and charm to a room in the evenings. Candles are a year-round element that can transform a room into a cozy space, and they look wonderful, especially when put into groupings. If one candle looks great, five clustered on a tray are even better. (Always an odd number looks better than an even number.) Consider buying battery candles to save on burning candles. Strand lighting also add a lot of ambiance to a space. Try battery-operated ones with a built-in timer, so you don't need an extension cord. Tuck a string of lights on your mantle close to the wall, in a glass vase, or hung on an indoor plant.
I hope these three tips are helpful! How do you maintain your house looking cozy in the winter?